Wednesday 5 October 2011


·         Sound has the power to create certain moods, to create characters and signal events what are about to happen
·         The power of music to manipulate emotions has always been acknowledged.
Three essential elements- all create realism
·         The human voice
·         Sound effects
·         Music
Diegesis- the TV world
·         Diegetic – this sound is part of the programmes Diegesis (natural sounds)
·         Non-diegetic – takes place outside of the Diegesis, often added when edited to create mood.
Foley sound- happens in the post production process, enhancing the natural sounds but you do not notice them because they are very well embedded into the scene.
Dialogue- mode of address voice over
·         Used in TV dramas as a narrative device
·         First person narration
·         Generally about the centre character
·         Finding out privileged information that other characters in the Diegesis may not know
Direct address
·         The character breaks the fourth wall and addresses the audience
·         Alternative way of narrative
·          Breaks up verisimilitude
·         Used to help us feel part of the story
·         Used to makes us feel what the characters are feeling
Incidental music
·         To add emotion and rhythm to the drama usually not meant to be noticeable
·         Dissonant music
·         A tone or emotional attitude towards the story or the characters depicted
·         Understand the links between different sequences
Parallel sounds= things you expect to hear e.g. fight scenes upbeat fast past music
Contrapuntal sounds- something you don’t expects e.g. classical music in fight scenes
Stings= brief stab of music just before a change of scene and to enhance the drama of the situation
Ambient sound- the sound occurring the area where they shoot the drama. It is often to create verisimilitude to create drama with the Diegesis

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