Wednesday 28 September 2011

Media Terminology

Semiotics- the science of signs- Roland Barthes, 1964
Denotation- e.g. Rose= Flower
Connotation- e.g. Rose= love, romance, rugby etc.
(Roland Barthes, 1964)

·         Mise en scene= hair, make up , clothing, props, lighting and location
·         Sound = dialect, accent
·         Editing
·         Camera angles, shot types

·         Narrative
·         Representation
·         Genre

Verisimilitude= realism

Proximity= where they are on the screen
Desperate housewives scene
·         Blonde girl- mode of address- flirtatious
·         Brunette girl- unsure of what to say
·         Music reflects the atmosphere  and seductive (flirty fun)
·         Innuendos
·         Shot reverse shot
·         Reaction shot and consensus  editing
·         Length of shot take
·         180 rule

Mise en scene
·         Silk dressing gown – connotation of sex
·         Kitchen, dress and necklace all connote social upper class
·         Lingerie
·         Brunette in kitchen – stereotypical house wife
Camera angles
·         Close up to show reactions
·         Mid shot- blonde lady
·         Over shoulder shots

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